Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another lake weekend!

We were only at Valhalla for 24 hours (because the kids had soccer and I had my final for my class on Saturday), but we got a lot done. Jt got out his tractor out for the first time and got the lawn mowed. He was pretty giddy about riding the tractor. It's a big lawn, so this really makes the job a lot easier.

The rest of us played some football, rode bikes, etc.

We had a campfire on Saturday night, but my camera ran out of batteries, so I did not get pictures of us making smores:( But they were delicious!
We also got the dock in and Kellen did a little fishing.

We played a lot on the beach Sunday morning (again, dead battery) and Piper went swimming in the lake. Kellen had so much fun throwing sticks out into the water for her to fetch. The only down side was that Piper found a dead fish on the shore and rolled around on it. She totally STINKS like dead fish! I have sprayed her with Febreze and it seems to have helped a little.
We have a group of pelicans that like to float around in our area. They were so beautiful!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another packed day!

I started my day at the doctor's office for an OB check and ended the day at my lifeguarding class. Squeezed in between was Skylar's music performance, grocery shopping, dental appointments, etc. My checkup went well, seems like everything is going like it should. Then quick rush to the store and get all the groceries put away. Then I had to go to the daytime performance of Skylar's music program at school because I would miss the night one since I have my class.

She was really getting into the song here...

Skylar's speaking part.

Then it was pick up the kids from school and get them to the dentist.

No cavities on either of them, but they did have some other strange issues. Apparently, Skylar has a really long frenum (not sure if that is what the dentist said-the thing that connects your top lip to your top gums) and it has a muscle in it (which is rare). That will cause her to have a gap in her front teeth and will not allow them to grow together. We have to watch it, but the dentist said that it will most likely have to be cut. Then I was told that James has a crossbite. Basically, his teeth line up OK on one side, but not on the other. It is like his whole lower jaw has shifted to the right. We have to keep and eye on it when his 6 year molars come in and if it is still like that, then he has to go to the orthodontist for some work otherwise it will cause a lot of problems later on. Not really what I was expecting to hear on either of them. Then we had to rush home and get some dinner, get Skylar ready for her evening performance and then I was out the door for my class, while JT took over the rest of the evening duties. We got a babysitter for the boys while JT took Skylar to her performance and then out for a little ice cream. This should be the last really crazy day in a while. Let's cross our fingers!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Back to the park today!

It was another perfect day today, so we decided to go back to the park with everyone. There must of been a lot of static electricity in the air today because I have never seen Skylar's hair stand up like this! Unfortunately, I only had my cell phone, so it is not the best picture. Brennen's hair was standing straight up as well, but he kept pushing it back down. Skylar was proud of her hair!

On a side note, I was cleaning out the garage today and I found a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup! The only problem was that this was the soup that my mom made for all of us over Christmas when we were all sick. It got put in the garage at that time, because there was not enough room in the fridge to keep it and and it was plenty cold outside then. It got shoved behind things and when I found it today, I almost vomited. It smelled so bad!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A busy afternoon!

I had no idea how I was going to manage this afternoon, but we made it. James and Kellen had swimming lessons from 5:15 -6:00. While they were there, I took Brennen and Skylar to the park (it is impossible to wait at the pool because Brennen tries the whole time to get into the pool). Then I had to coach from 6-7, so it was back to the pool. Luckily, my swimmer was sick so I just ended up swimming with all of the kids. Then Skylar had soccer practice from 7-8. I dropped Skylar off quick, ran the boys home so that JT could feed and bed them and then I ran back to catch the rest of Skylar's game. Then it was rush home, eat, homework and collapse into bed.

Playing at the park

James played on the sidelines while Skylar played her game. This soccer ball missed my face by about an inch.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Almost 34 weeks!

I know I have not updated in a while, but it has been really busy. I have to take a safety training for swim coaches class for two weeks so that I can be a USA swimming certified coach. That has been keeping all us of pretty busy. So I was at that this weekend so really no photos of the kids. Sorry, but here is a belly photo of me! Only a few more weeks left:)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Driveway fun

After staying up pretty late last night receiving all of her awards, Skylar got sick today. So while she was watching a little Scooby-Do, the boys went out in the beautiful sunshine and just played in the driveway. I don't know why it is more fun to play in the front where it is more dangerous with the cars going by, but the kids have something against the backyard. So here we are in the driveway, enjoying 70 degrees!

Kellen loves to get moving on his bike!

Brennen decided to sit and read James' book.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Skylar gets her first trophy!

Tonight was Skylar's swim team banquet and she made out pretty good! You see, Skylar's only goal for being on the swim team was to get a trophy. That has been her goal since she turned six. She had seen some old trophies of mine (that I got when I was 10 or 11) and decided that she wanted one as well. Anyway, I thought that she was going to get one as soon as she made it to Tri-State, because in the past, anyone who made it got a participation trophy. This year, they decided to give out water bottles instead. So she was crushed that she did not get a trophy. Then she missed out on a trophy at the meet by one point, getting 4rd instead of 3rd (previously explained!). But, I guess the coach gives out a high point trophy at the end of the year for the swimmer in each age group that scores the most points at all of the meets. Well, that person was Skylar for the 8 and under girls. Boy, was her mama proud! That means she did the best of all of the 8 and unders on the whole swim team throughout the whole year.

Skylar also got first place in the swim-a-thon this year, even though we toned it down by about half from last year! Here she is getting her prize for that. She got a $50 credit card and was immediately telling me what she wanted to buy with it.

Some of her ribbons that she won at the Tri-State meet!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter to Everyone!

The kids woke us up bright and early, so excited that the Easter bunny had come! They love getting Easter baskets. Then they just could not wait for him to come back and hide the eggs. Finally, he came and here they are ready to go hunting!

Then they had to check out all the loot in the eggs!

I really love this Easter thing!

See the shutterfly page for more pictures:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Prep!

The kids just love to dye Easter eggs. They also love to eat Easter eggs. I don't know that we are going to have any left by Easter time, but oh well. As long as they have fun! Skylar and James are so excited for Easter that they told me today that they are going to be unable to sleep all night on Saturday because they want to see the Easter bunny and see where he hides all the candy eggs. Kids can be so cute!

When the two little ones were down for nap, James, Skylar and I enjoyed the outside with a few games of Kubb!

Kissing the stick for good luck!

Ohhhh....I missed!