7:07 walk in the door from swimming.
7:08 Brennen pukes on the floor. Did he gag from all the coughing he is doing or is he actually getting sick?
7:11 Wake up James. He wakes up hacking a lung and can't stop coughing. I let Skylar sleep in since she has been sick since Sunday. She can't go to school today because she still had a fever last night and they must be fever free for 24hours before they can go back. This makes the 3rd day of school that she will miss.
7:15 Open the dishwasher to get a clean plate for the kids' breakfast and discover that it is about to flood the kitchen and it has totally crapped out (JT takes it out later in the day-working on getting a new one).
7:22 Charlotta is yelling at me from her crib to come get her. She has stripped off her PJ's and diaper and there is poop everywhere! Yeah me!
7:42 Charlotta is again yelling at me, "Milk, Milk, Milk," waving her cup around. It is full so I have no idea what she wants. Finally, I taste the milk and it is rotten. Crap, I just gave my baby spoiled milk!
8:15 Charlotta throws up. Is it the spoiled milk or is she getting sick?
8:20 Skylar: "Mom, mom, you forgot to wake me up for school!" Me: "Remember, you can't go?" Skylar: "Woo-hoo, let's party!" (I think she is feeling better:))
...Laundry/Charlotta breaks mommy's glasses...clean..Brennen pees his pants-TWICE!...
1:02 Drove JT back to work after lunch. I didn't think JT was home last week, so I didn't look for his car when I backed out of the garage and I ran right into his car. Damaged both vehicles-yeah me again! Now nick-named Crashy McCrasherton by JT and our insurance agent.
1:10 Try to get Brennen down for nap...
2:00 Still trying to get Brennen down. He can't lay still. He says his stomach hurts. Get him up to go to the bathroom. I can't go Mama, it hurts to much. Me: "what hurts?" B: "My butt" Me: "where does it hurt?" B: "In my butt, it's hot!" M: "What do you mean hot?" B: "There's fire in my penis!" (now, I am not a guy, but that sounds like it hurts!Bladder infection? UTI? Is that why he peed in his pants twice? I just don't know anything anymore!) He finally goes and then falls right asleep. When he wakes up nothing hurts any more. What to do?
6:30 JT makes dinner, a family favorite, chicken parmesean. We start eating and there is definitely something wrong with the chicken. It is spoiled! Crap, now I've fed all of my sick children spolied chicken! I am praying that everyone does not start throwing up! JT doesn't realize it and keeps eating. He just thinks it tastes bad because of the different cheese we used. The rest of us tried a few bites and just couldn't go on. Here's to hoping that I am not cleaning up puke the rest of the night!
I know things could be a lot worse, but a lot of little things just seemed to pile up today! However, as I write this, I just have to laugh (especially since I have not had to clean up any more puke today) and hope that everyone is feeling just a little better tomorrow! Good day!
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