Matt went with Skylar on all the spinning rides because I get sick on them (I had a hard time getting good pictures because they were going so fast).

But, I think it is obvious Skylar is having a blast!

James still loves the kiddie rides, but Skylar is right on the edge of being bored with them.

Everyone loves the Sky ride!

James did not want to go on the Raging River for some reason, so he patiently waited for us to come.

And here we are...

A little break for some ice cream.

Then off to play some games.

Matt was the master though and ended up with this gigantic dog (and many other big toys) that we had to carry around the park the rest of the day! The kids were so happy with the dog that Skylar offered to carry it around everywhere so that she could have it in her room first.

Charlotta was excellent all day and did a lot of this...

We ended the day on the carousel.

James thought it was a little boring, but overall, we had a excellent day!
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