I had a really nice mother's day today. It started out by me getting to sleep in at a quiet house until 9:00. The kids spent the night at grandma's, so it was really quiet in the morning and I just slept and slept. When I got to grandma's house, Skylar had picked out some really nice presents for me. I am truly shocked at how well she knows my tastes. I didn't realize she paid that much attention to me. She picked out a nice card and put a Heath Bar in it (my favorite candy bar, after a Skor). Then she bought a box of double
dark chocolate (also my favorite!). And somehow, she picked out a book for me that is the next book in a series that I am reading. I don't have any idea how she knew, but grandma said she knew and would not consider anything else. I was really touched that she knew me so well! Then of course, I got my fingernails painted by my little fashionista!

Then we had a really nice meal prepared by JT with a lot of my favorites.
Ross came up for the weekend and brought his new girlfriend, Joslyn. James and Ross spent a lot of time out on the golf course and we had a really nice time getting to know Joslyn a little better.

Brennen just does his own thing...

Ah, Kellen! He wanted to eat grapes today and I could not believe how many he put on his plate.
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