She was really getting into the song here...
Skylar's speaking part.
Then it was pick up the kids from school and get them to the dentist.
No cavities on either of them, but they did have some other strange issues. Apparently, Skylar has a really long frenum (not sure if that is what the dentist said-the thing that connects your top lip to your top gums) and it has a muscle in it (which is rare). That will cause her to have a gap in her front teeth and will not allow them to grow together. We have to watch it, but the dentist said that it will most likely have to be cut. Then I was told that James has a crossbite. Basically, his teeth line up OK on one side, but not on the other. It is like his whole lower jaw has shifted to the right. We have to keep and eye on it when his 6 year molars come in and if it is still like that, then he has to go to the orthodontist for some work otherwise it will cause a lot of problems later on. Not really what I was expecting to hear on either of them. Then we had to rush home and get some dinner, get Skylar ready for her evening performance and then I was out the door for my class, while JT took over the rest of the evening duties. We got a babysitter for the boys while JT took Skylar to her performance and then out for a little ice cream. This should be the last really crazy day in a while. Let's cross our fingers!
I had a really long frenum too. That is why I had that gap between my front teeth. (apparently it comes from Mormor's mom). They removed mine around the time I got braces. It's not a bad procedure.