You wouldn't know it from this picture, but I have not been feeling well these past couple of days. I have been waking up in the night again and I am refusing to drink anything. I do not like my mama's boobie anymore and I can barely tolerate a bottle. After a long, cranky day, mama took me into the doctor and guess what? Another double ear infection. This time they gave me two shots of antibiotics in the legs. Mama had never heard of this before so she was a little nervous. After she thought about it though, she thought it was much better than forcing medicine down my throat for two weeks. If I am not better in two weeks, they are going to have to put tubes in my ears. As this picture shows, even though I won't drink, I still love my sweet potatoes and blueberries (you can thank Kellen for the bad camera shot, he pulled on Mama's arm right as she was taking the picture)!
Kellen also had bad news today. He had his hearing and vision screened today and failed both tests. So now we have to take him to a specialist for each. I think his hearing is fine, he just has a little cold today, but we are a little worried about his eyes. Since Mama has such bad eyes and they got bad early in life, Mama is really worried that he is following in her footsteps. The worst thought....trying keep a pair of glasses on Kellen.
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