Well, just because I don't want to make things too easy for my mommy, I decided to stay up until 3 in the morning last night crying. She tried everything to calm me down, but nothing seemed to work. All I can say is that my belly really hurt. Finally after about an hour of burping me, she got an enormous burp out. It was so much air and with such force that mommy was surprised that my stomach had not popped. I felt much better after that and finally fell asleep. But, all day long, my stomach has been filling up with a lot of air and it has been hurting me. Mommy thinks I have some kind of stomach virus that is producing a lot of gas in my intestines, as I am having a lot of tummy pain and as soon as I burp or toot, I feel so much better. I hope this goes away soon. I would much rather be smiling (I think my mommy likes it better that way too)! Mommy is not so happy with me because she has this whole next week without Papa (he is working in Atlanta) and she didn't want to start the week out exhausted. I'm so sorry Mama!
A sad bunch of kids, missing their papa so!
All right kids, I think you are overacting just a little!
Skylar's 100th day of school
Skylar had her 100th day of school today and they had a party for it. Lots of yummy treats and a cool 100 crown.
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