However, Skylar had a phenomenal day at her meet. I think she is really starting to understand that you are supposed to go as fast as you can at a meet. It is not like practice. Anyway, she dropped 20 sec. in her 100IM, and 3-5 sec in all of her 25's. I was really proud of her! She is only a couple of seconds away from Tri-State times, which is very good for a 6 year old.

About halfway through the meet James found a "best friend" and they played well together. But, it was hard keeping an eye on where the two of them were off to. He was so annoyed that I wanted to make sure I could see him. He wanted me to just leave him alone to play.
After Kellen had escaped from me for about the 100th time and ran down the two flights of stairs, he hit the railing going around the corner and has quite the black eye to show for it. Did that stop him from running away? NOOO!
Lucky for me, some of the swim team moms love babies and were fighting over who got to hold Brennen. It is a good thing he is such a happy, calm, sweet-natured baby or I would have never made it through today alive!
To end a great day, Skylar lost another tooth!