Time for me to clear out the 300 photos of Brennen's left eye or Kellen's right finger on my phone. I did however find a few good shots mixed in that were meant to be posted, but never made it up! They are in no particular order.
Charlotta must of looked particularly cute to me this day! I long for this happy face back. Right now she is battling temps of 104, coughing, runny nose, hasn't eaten since Saturday. We went to the doctor today and she has an ear infection. Hard to believe all of that is from an ear infection, but hopefully we are on the way to recovery!

Cute cupcakes someone made for Brennen's preschool for Halloween! I thought I might try to copy the idea, but that just never happened. I just don't have the ability/desire to decorate cake. I wanted to go for mom of the year, but I guess I'm not up to snuff:)

Charlotta hates the group bath!

On our way down to Nashville for Thanksgiving, Brennen and Kellen were fighting over who got to wear this hat. Brennen won the fight and wore it for the first
two hours of the car ride! He was not taking it off for anything.

At a park in Nashville over Thanksgiving!

I went with James' class for a field trip to Pumpkinland.

Playing in the leaves.

The black hole in our TV. It grew so big that you could not see anything anymore and it has been replaced!

Mama and James reading together.

This is the day Charlotta refused to sit in her high chair for lunch. She was sitting here and there was no way I was moving her away from that spot. My daughter is not a delicate flower...