Christmas day has finally arrived! After all the counting down, it is here. The kids could not be more excited. We headed over to grandma and grandpa's in the morning to open presents with everyone.
Matt, Katie and Jackie.

Starting with the stocking stuffers...everyone loves the lottery tickets (and yes, Ross IS wearing a dickie)!

Even James and Skylar got lottery tickets this year.

Now, Skylar has to wait her turn to open!

James so happy with his presents.

Katie and Jackie enjoying the new leap pad toy.

Kellen really got into opening the presents this year.

Skylar putting her American girl doll stables together.

Brennen poses for the camera while waiting for Papa to put his scooter together.

Brennen could not be bothered to open anything else once he was on his scooter!

I love Christmas!

JT got Jim a rare coin for his coin collection.

Still waiting her turn...

Best line of the day was from Brennen. He was jumping up and down, so excited about this present. He must have been jumping and screaming for joy for about 30 sec. Finally, I asked Brennen, "What is it?" See Movie below. I was trying to catch his joy, but I just missed it and caught the answer at the perfect time. Too bad I did not catch any of his over the top screaming and jumping!

Charlotta is not really sure what to think, but she likes the paper!

Then we went to visit Grandma Oma and give her her presents.

Then we went home to open presents at our house (a little tired of pictures at this point!).

James was so excited and happy with the gift Skylar gave him.

Skylar gets her American Girl Doll bed (top of the list).

Kellen finally has his own DS. I was unsure how he would feel about it, but he was so happy. Especially since Skylar and James were SO jealous because he got a 3D-DS and theirs is just normal!

Charlotta has just fallen in love with baby dolls, so Skylar's gift was perfect for her.

We hope everyone had as wonderful a Christmas as we did!
All the pictures are on Shutterfly. Enjoy!