We went up to the lake for the weekend. Someone on the street was having the annual Lakeview Dr. picnic and we got invited. So we went to meet our neighbors. There were quite a few kids there and James found a new best friend. They really clicked and then they spent the whole next day together as well. We tried to get a little bit more water time in, but it was really cold out this weekend. However, we did manage to get some time out on the water.
Skylar and her boys! I just love how James is looking at Skylar in this picture. Those two-best friends for life!

"Mama, this is torture!" I hate those infant life jackets. They are so big and bulky and the babies just hate them.

A little tubing. They did not last very long because they got so cold fast, but they still had a good time!

Kellen loves to put on sunscreen and he has to do it himself. Here is his workmanship.

Brennen loves to drive the boat with his Papa!

Skylar working on her reading homework.

While Skylar read, the boys played in the sand.

When Skylar was done with her reading, she took a ride on her invented swing off of the tether ball pole.
Then she gave Kellen a ride.
Later in the day...
Kellen, Kellen, Kellen...

My happy little girl!

Skylar loves to be a part of the attention and you can see her trying to squeeze into the picture. Charlotta is the happiest little girl--always giving everyone smiles!